
Faire revivre ces objets du passé
H&C vous souhaite une bonne et heureuse année 2025
Votre Panier


68,00 EUR
(-13,24%) 59,00 EUR
 New version allowing a very comfortable setting up and ejection of the primers.

Inside  or outside shooting system with rubber bullets.
Thanks to a .22" / 6mm Flobert blank cartridge ( 22 acorn) , the bullet reachs a velocity  of   150 m- 492fts / sec.
Rubber bullets can be used about a hundred times.

The shooting noise is comparable to a powerfull airgun noise, so it allows  to shoot without disturb the neighborhood.

It's  also possible to use those bullets with a little bit of black powder or a piece of H&C's combustible enveloppe cartridge
  Fits on :
- Uberti  ( but Walker et Dragoon ) made since about 1980(See below how to know the year of manufacture of your Italian replica)
- Ruger Old Army  ("ROA")
- Army San Marco
- Pedersoli revolvers...

Please clic on the picture to see it in high resolution

Special offer:    59.00€

H&C.22'' Nipples thread : 12-28 UNF
29,00 EUR
(-5,17%) 27,50 EUR
Technical elastomer bullets   .44'' cal

50 technical elastomer projectiles that can be used at least 100 times if they are shot without powder and on a suitable surface.
At least 5000 shots!
Very many shots possible when used with a moderate powder load.
The elasticity of this technical rubber bullet and its hollow base  allow this bullet to fit  to  calibers 0.44 '' and .45 ''


                    Cliquer sur la photo pour obtenir une photo de détail.
12,00 EUR
Key for  H&C .22'' nipple

To screw and unscrew the H & C .22 '' nipples.
Not absolutely necessary, but so much more practical than a screwdriver !
12,00 EUR
H&C .22''  Nipple    M6 x 0.75

Replacement part : 1 piece

  Fits on :

-Pietta, ( Remington, Colt, Le Mat ) every years of construction.
-Hege and  Uberti  ( but Walker et Dragoon )  made untill 1980. 
(See below how to know the year of manufacture of your Italian replica)
-Rogers & Spencer  made by  Euroarms et Pedersoli ...

12,00 EUR
H&C .22'' Nipple    .12-28

Replacement part: 1 piece

Fits on:

Uberti since about  1980  ( but Walker et Dragoon )  (See below how to know the year of manufacture of your Italian replica)
Ruger Old Army .44'' (ROA)
Remington Pedersoli
Army San Marco...

5,00 EUR
6mm blank sizer

Some 22''crimp blank/22'' acorn on the market are slightly larger than the standard we used for the manufacture of our H & C .22 '' nipples.  In such a case, one can use our 6mm blank sizer.

How to know the year of manufacture of an italian replica.

Marquage sur la carcasse de l'arme / Punch on the frame

1958 = XIV, 1959 = XV, 1960 = XVI, 1961 = XVII, 1962 = XVIII, 1963 = XIX, 1964 = XX, 1965 = XXI, 1966 = XXII

1967 = XXIII, 1968 = XXIV, 1969 = XXV, 1970 = XXVI, 1971 = XXVII - XX7, 1972 = XX8, 1973 = XX9, 1974 = XXX

1975 = AA, 1976 = AB, 1977 = AC, 1978 = AD, 1979 = AE, 1980 = AF, 1981 = AG – AH, 1982 = AI,

1983 = AJ - AK – AL, 1984 = AM, 1985 = AN, 1986 = AO – AP, 1987 = AS, 1988 = AT, 1989 = AU, 1990 = AW - AZ

1991 = BA, 1992 = BB, 1993 = BC, 1994 = BD, 1995 = BF, 1996 = BH, 1997 = BI, 1998 = BL, 1999 = BM

2000 = BN, 2001 = BP, 2002 = BS, 2003 = BT, 2004 = BU, 2005 = BZ, 2006 = CA, 2007 = CB, 2008 = CC

2009 = CD, 2010 = CF, 2011 = CH, 2012 = CI, 2013 = CL, 2014= CM, 2015= CN, 2016= CP, 2017= CS, 2018= CT,

2019= CU, 2020= CZ, 2021= DA, 2022= DB, 2023= DC, 2024= DD, 2025= DE, 2026= DF, 2027= DH, 2028= DI,

2029= DL, 2030= DM